
woensdag 26 juni 2013

Say Cheese #3

Hi lipstickdreamers! As always, I didn't blog for a long time. But EVERYONE has a blog nowadays and I didn't know why I should blog. Well I finally know why! Because I love writing,helping people and giving advice. In the end, I do it to let some frustrations out or to help a friend that asked me a question. Or just to give some inspiration.

In this blogpost, I will show you which shoots I had in the last months. To be honest not a lot but I did some.
These are the results of hard hours of work and of course a massive amount of fun! Let's see, what I did:

Model Lara

Model Sophie


Model Jada

Model Anneleen


 Model Magali

Those pictures were taken by 3 photographers:Kenny , Eric and Sven. Click on their names to go to their facebook page. They're awesome photographers! 
Models: Anneleen, Magali, Jada, Lara and Sophie. You go girls!

Let me know what you think about the pictures in the comments!  I hope you like it and a LOT of kisses from me to you  <3

"I can see it. This one moment when you know you're not a sad story. You are alive and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you're listening to that song on that drive with the people you love most in this world. And in this moment, I swear, we are infinite. "- Charlie ( the perks of being a wallflower)


donderdag 21 maart 2013

Say Cheese #2

Hi lipstickdreamers! I know it is a long time ago that you've heard from me but I'm working a lot. Not a good excuse, I know...
A couple of weeks ago I had a trio shoot. This was the weirdest thing ever. Normally, shoots are fun but this time it was really fun! We laughed a lot! This time, I wasn't the only make-up artist. The other one was Radhika Peers. This girl is amazingly talented. I didn't only do make-up but I also did the hair of the girls.
So in the end, we were with 3 models, 2 make-up artists and 2 photographers. Yes, that's a lot!
Let's look at the behind the scenes pictures.

Like you can see,the girls had a lot of clothes! You can see me at work. Don't mind the clothes I am wearing. The shoot was on a really cold Sunday so I dind't really feel like dressing up.

Now the results of our ( read; models, mua's,photographers) hard work!

The make-up was kept natural. You'll think we did their make-up on 5minutes. Well no, count an hour and a half maybe more for the 3girls. Even natural make-up isn't that natural at all. If you want to know how I did it. Leave a comment in the box thingy below!

 I hope you like it and a LOT of kisses from me to you <3

“All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't.” -Marilyn Monroe


zaterdag 2 februari 2013

How to #1

 Casual/Everyday make-up with a colourful twist

Hi lipstickdreamers! Do you also have those days when you are bored of your everyday make-up.You want some colour. Because those neutral colours are BORING! Still you don't want to walk around as if you're going out clubbing. It is still daylight!
So, that situation happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I wanted some colour without being too overdone.I came up with something super easy. Of course, you can make it more dramatic so that it can be worn by night. If you want to know how I did it, scroll down!

One thing I want to mention is that I first start with my eyes when I'm doing my make-up that's why I don't wear foundation nor concealer on most of the pictures. 

Step 1: Use your moisterizer and prime your eyelids. (Sorry, I wear no make-up)

Step 2: Use a light skin colour on your eyelids

Step 3: Take a light brown colour and use it in your crease. Use it in your whole crease area.

Step 4: Take a dark brown colour and go over the light brown shade in your crease. Only use it in the outer crease area

Step 5: Take your eyeliner and line your upper eyelid. 

Step 6: HERE IS THE TWIST: Take a colour of your choice. Green, purple, pink, bleu, yellow,...
Then take your eyeliner pencil and line your eyes above the eyeliner with that colour that you've chosen.

Here is the overall result with mascara, a white kohl pencil in my waterline, BB cream and bronzer  :

Do you like it? Are you going to use that trick if you want some colour? A lot of kisses from me to you!

"The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, colour and nuance. "-Arthur Smith


donderdag 31 januari 2013

Dreamer diary #1

Hi lipstickdreamers! Well, this is a segment in this blog where I'll talk about how I feel at the moment.
MOOD: Lost

Pursuing a dream is hard. Last night, I saw a video on youtube( read; I'm a youtube addict) by danisnotonfire and he really said how I felt. 

It has been a little bit more than a month ago that I decided to be a 'school drop out' which means I don't have a plan anymore. Since my early teenage years, I always wanted to be an interpreter. Languages have always been something interesting to me. So, for years I had planned every step of the way to become an interpreter. Finish my studies, go for a year to Australia and when I come back try to enter into the European Commission.Yes, I saw it big but this was everything I wanted back then. Then, I started to do make-up and I realized that becoming an interpreter was nothing for me. It took a long time to realize it. But now, I'm just lost.I'm not a careless student anymore like most of the youngster of my age. I have responsibilities and it scares the hell out of me. I don't regret the decision I made but yes, I'm basicly young and lost.

Source: weheartit

I'm really a positive minded girl towards others but I'm not when it comes to me.My name,Saloua, means to comfort people and that's what I do best but I cannot comfort myself. Now, I'm here doing nothing of my days and thinking about everything in my life. Right now, nothing really positive came out. The thing that hurts most is when people say that it's my own fault that I'm feeling this way. In the end, I think I just have to believe that everything will be ok.Yes, I know, why am I writing this down? It is a kind of therapy for me and maybe it will help somebody that feels the same way as I am. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ;)

" If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. " -Vincent Van Gogh


woensdag 30 januari 2013

Say Cheese #1

Hi lipstickdreamers! A couple of days ago, I had a shoot with two photographers (Kenny Detré and Erik Jamar). The model was Magalie. I already knew her, so the shoot was more fun.It was my first shoot of 2013 so I was a little bit stressed because it was a long time ago that I did someone's make-up. But all that nervousness vanished as soon as I started to do Magalie's make-up.

The location of the shoot was in an old farmhouse. It was a little bit scary in the beginning but we were there for a couple of hours so it became a little less scary. I wanted to use really subtle make-up because the model is a really beautiful girl and the photographers wanted to portray a natural beauty. Later on, I used the classic red lipstick. So that she looked more serious and severe.
Let's see the results of the shoot. The first four pictures are by Kenny and the other four are by Erik.

If you want to know how I did these looks let me know in the comments below. A lot of kisses from me to you!

 "Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. "-Dalai Lama

PS:Thank you Kenny, Erik and Magalie for the amazing afternoon I had. I will be happy to work again with you all.