
donderdag 21 maart 2013

Say Cheese #2

Hi lipstickdreamers! I know it is a long time ago that you've heard from me but I'm working a lot. Not a good excuse, I know...
A couple of weeks ago I had a trio shoot. This was the weirdest thing ever. Normally, shoots are fun but this time it was really fun! We laughed a lot! This time, I wasn't the only make-up artist. The other one was Radhika Peers. This girl is amazingly talented. I didn't only do make-up but I also did the hair of the girls.
So in the end, we were with 3 models, 2 make-up artists and 2 photographers. Yes, that's a lot!
Let's look at the behind the scenes pictures.

Like you can see,the girls had a lot of clothes! You can see me at work. Don't mind the clothes I am wearing. The shoot was on a really cold Sunday so I dind't really feel like dressing up.

Now the results of our ( read; models, mua's,photographers) hard work!

The make-up was kept natural. You'll think we did their make-up on 5minutes. Well no, count an hour and a half maybe more for the 3girls. Even natural make-up isn't that natural at all. If you want to know how I did it. Leave a comment in the box thingy below!

 I hope you like it and a LOT of kisses from me to you <3

“All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't.” -Marilyn Monroe


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