
About me

Hi! My name is Saloua and I'm 19 years old. My passion is make-up. I even love it so much that I decided to pursue my dream to become a Make-up Artist. It sounds crazy! I stopped school where I studied Applied Linguistics to pursue my dream. Some will call it the persuit of happiness and others a mid-mid life crisis.

Why do I want to become a make-up artist?
Well, it is a long story but I hated make-up when I was jounger. I loved it on others but hated it on myself. I dance, so for shows we needed to put some make-up on our faces. In the beginning it was hell and than it became a pleasure. I started to do my own make-up and I loved it. Later I started a beauty and fashion blog with my best friend and make-up became even more important. It became somewhat of an addiction. Every euro I earned, I spent it on cosmetics. Later, I worked on shoots and here I am now. Yes, I worked on shoots and I don't even got a degree yet. Crazy, I know! Everything about this is crazy. AND it is only the beginning.

What will I write about on this blog? 
  •  I will show you the endresults of shoots where I was a make-up artist
  • I will review products
  • I will share my favorite products with you
  • I will take you all along in my journey 
  •  And the rest, I really don't know where this journey will take me so if you got suggestions. I say put them it the comments below.

What do I hope to accomplish with this blog?
Most of all, I hope to inspire one little person to do what you love even though it is a big risk.
The decision of pursuing my dream was the most difficult decision I have ever made in my life. The thing is that it will be hard but in the end, it will be worth it.

 I hope you will enjoy following it!
Lots of kisses and hugs from me to you <3

"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." -David Frost


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