
woensdag 30 januari 2013

Say Cheese #1

Hi lipstickdreamers! A couple of days ago, I had a shoot with two photographers (Kenny Detré and Erik Jamar). The model was Magalie. I already knew her, so the shoot was more fun.It was my first shoot of 2013 so I was a little bit stressed because it was a long time ago that I did someone's make-up. But all that nervousness vanished as soon as I started to do Magalie's make-up.

The location of the shoot was in an old farmhouse. It was a little bit scary in the beginning but we were there for a couple of hours so it became a little less scary. I wanted to use really subtle make-up because the model is a really beautiful girl and the photographers wanted to portray a natural beauty. Later on, I used the classic red lipstick. So that she looked more serious and severe.
Let's see the results of the shoot. The first four pictures are by Kenny and the other four are by Erik.

If you want to know how I did these looks let me know in the comments below. A lot of kisses from me to you!

 "Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day. "-Dalai Lama

PS:Thank you Kenny, Erik and Magalie for the amazing afternoon I had. I will be happy to work again with you all. 

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